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GROUP IS OPEN TO ANY MOM if little littles 3 and younger

Motherhood is not the problem. You love being a mom and you also feel constantly overwhelmed, under-resourced, and mentally drained. It is this mismatch between our desires and our current needs to function that creates “the problem”- the elusive thing that is always off. So let’s get to work. 

I've created a place and a system to help you connect with other mothers. Learn about what your mind and body are going through during the postpartum period. Ask the questions with people willing to admit to you that sometimes the answer is "no one knows" and create your own road map for how you will navigate these awkward years of motherhood.  

We work together to create a space for you to be held and seen so that you can come into yourself as a new mom. The group meets live weekly and throughout the week journal prompts and exercises are shared so that you can begin to make your road map. 

Why a road map? Because a map gives you ideas and proven ways to get from A to B though you are in charge of HOW you choose to get there and WHEN you choose to get there.  

Come as you are. Babies welcome. Mess approved.

the topics we will cover:

  • Space and learning about all things that require quotations such as:

  • “What did I just do moments”

  • “Self-care”

  • Communicating effectively with your partners, asking for help

  • Changes in your identity i.e. coming home to yourself, why “bounce-back” can create too much stress

  • Normalizing Postpartum changes in your body and mind

  • Feeding (Breast/bottle/pumping… all of it)

    And get connected to resources for women's wellness such as:

  • Pelvic Floor Therapist

  • Postpartum Nutrition

  • Postpartum Coaches

  • Sex after baby

  • Birth story processing

Let’s talk about the cost: $300 for the 12 weeks. This includes meetings every other week, meditations, journal prompts to help you integrate the material, and community space for connection and resources for each topic covered. For those seeking more support during our 12 weeks together (three 1:1 60-minute sessions good for individuals or couples), you can choose the upgraded group package for $699.

Here are the details again!

A 12-week group and community space for new moms.

The group will run with no less than four moms and no more than ten moms and will be virtual.

We use Facebook in between sessions to connect and share content and build community. 

The group will be virtual (Zoom) and will meet every other week for 12 weeks with pop-up support on our off weeks.

Babies and children are welcome.

This group is open to moms with little littles (children 3 or under)

The basic cost of the group will be: $333 for the 12 week this includes the group meeting time, journal prompts, community space and meditations. 

The upgraded cost of the group is $750 For those seeking additional support over the 12 weeks which would include three 1:1 60 min sessions (virtual).

The next group starts at the end of January 2024.

This group will be virtual. This group will also be beta-testing a new program I have designed to help support moms to create effective change in themselves while navigating motherhood.